Precision Fence Company wants you to know a few things about considering a residential Vinyl PVC fence.
All PVC fences are not the same
The reason we want to bring this subject to light for our customers is to give you the customer a better understanding of what you would be purchasing from our company or any one else.
PVC also known as poly vinyl chloride is know to be made in recycled versions as well as in virgin vinyl.
Recycled pvc product quality can often be very inconsistent. Due to the use of mixing different types of pvc grind it is very hard to control how rigid or soft the finished product will be. In a virgin vinyl the impact modifiers will be equal and distributed that way. With recycled vinyl there is no way of telling how they are distributed. Although recycling pvc is good for the environment (which precision fence does with all of our vinyl scraps) it is proven to be not as effective against wind damage and other acts of nature as a virgin vinyl fence.
Precision Fence Company only uses and installs virgin vinyl products for all of our customers.
What about my warranty?
Most often you will hear the term lifetime warranty.
This is very misleading and can often add to confusion and frustration when looking to use a warranty claim. Lifetime warranties are the life of the product, for an outdoor product that is determined by the attorney general and has a maximum of 8-10 years. Also These warranties are almost always prorated. This means they will depreciate the value of the fence annually until your warranty expires most often not covering the costs of labor. Here at Precision Fence Company, both of our products carry non-prorated warranties.
100% vinyl does not mean 100% virgin Vinyl
What is the brand name of the vinyl the company is offering you?
This is an important question because as the average homeowner would not go to the local appliance store and buy a microwave with out a label. Where would you go for the replacement parts years down the line if a part breaks? It will lead to a very frustrating process for simple repairs.
This simply means we cut and assemble the products, which were melted by someone else. This does not mean the company you are looking to hire has a multi-million dollar operation melting these vinyl products.
If they extrude:
If the company you are looking to hire is a PVC fence extruder. Please look into the facts. Large vinyl extruders often have put a lot of capitol behind their research and development of their products. Making sure their product will not fail under high UV exposure.
UV Exposure:
Think of it like this. SPF 20 VS SPF 100
The vinyl fences are layered with TIO2. This is the bright white we see on the exterior of the vinyl, making our vinyl products uphold to high sun exposure. The more they use the more expensive the product. This does not mean buy the fence from the person with the most expensive price. It means buy the right product for you from a reputable company. Some fences have so little TIO2 on their product that you can often see discoloration within only 2-3 years.
American made vs. overseas products:
Our products made here in the USA are held to the ASTM specifications. Products made over seas are often made with lead as a stabilizer and do not meet these specifications.
Bottom rail Size:
Yes this is important due to the fact of sagging. Think of it this way. When framing a roof, the larger the size of the rafter the longer you can span it with out sagging. This is the same theory. The larger the rail the less likely you will experience a bottom sag. This is often the number 1 reason a fence will fall apart or blow out.
Precision fence uses a 7” bottom rail for our Everstrong brand vinyl fence and a 8” bottom rail for our Country Estates vinyl fences.
Our Brands:
Country Estates vinyl fence
50 year NON- pro rated warranty. 100 % virgin vinyl
8” inch bottom rail supports, which require no steel reinforcement.
In business for over 60 years and created the first vinyl fences.
A proven time tested product that will hold up and be a great investment for any homeowner
Everstrong PVC
20 year non- prorated warranty. 100 % virgin vinyl
7” inch bottom rail support steel reinforced
Made by Eastern Fence located in Medford and Calverton.
They have been in business for over 20 years. Currently has some of the highest tech vinyl extruders in the business and locally employs our residents.
A great investment for any homeowner.
Our hope here at Precision Fence Company is that this information was helpful and will assist you in making an educated decision on the company you choose.
From our friendly family owned and operated staff we appreciate your consideration and business.
Fence Maintenance
Survey the building site and notice any concrete, rocks, tree roots, or other obstructions that get in the way of your fence's planned path.
The support posts for most wood fences need to be placed eight feet apart. Make sure you can dig a two-foot-deep hole for each post without hitting anything harder than soil.
When pouring concrete for the posts, use only enough to fill the hole. Excess concrete can be forced upward in freezing temperatures, compromising your fence's stability.
Tree branches, leaves, and other debris from above can damage wood fencing, so make sure you're proactive about addressing these issues.
Before winter, cut or trim any branches hanging over your fence line. Frozen branches can break off and scrape the wood boards, and some have the potential to cause significant damage.
Keep horizontal fence rails clear of leaves, acorns, shells or twigs, and clean out any material wedged between the rails and the fence boards. Wet organic matter such as leaves can accelerate rot in your fence, and objects squeezed between the rails and boards can reduce your fence's stability over time.
Get in the habit of checking on your fence whenever the seasons change to nip any problems in the bud.
Address broken or cracking boards, boards that have warped, leaning posts, or splinters as soon as possible.
Examine the grass that immediately borders your fence and trim any overgrowth to keep it from spreading rot to your fence.
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